Great Druid Books.


Here is a list of great books I have read and/or own. If you want more information on any of these books, Contact me...


Celtic Magic by D. J. Conway


Celtic Oracle by Gerry M Thompson


Glamoury by Steve Blamires


Encyclopaedia of Celtic Wisdom  by      Caitlin & John Matthews


The Druids by T. D. Kendrick


Celtic Myths and Legends by T. W. Rolleston


British & Irish Mythology by John & Caitlin Matthews


Mythology of the Celtic People by Charles Squire


The Grail Castle by Kenneth J & Marguerite Elsbeth


Phoenix from the Flame by Vivianne Crowley


The Celtic Book of Days by Caitlin Matthews


The Literature of the Celts by Magnus Maclean


Celtic Britain by John Rhys


The Language of Irish Literature by Loreto Todd


I am always getting new books, so check back here soon. Or, if you know of any good books that are not on this page, contact me.